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Image by Emiliano Bar
Judge's Gavel on Books
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Statue of Justice

Heritage Services

Heritage & Juvenile Re-Deploy  

Juvenile ReDeploy is a community-based juvenile justice program that brings together several community stakeholders and service providers as partners to address the needs of high-risk youth involved in the criminal justice system. Macon County Juvenile Redeploy was developed to provide an accountability-based, innovative approach to assist high-risk, convicted youth and their families to be successful and remain in the community.


How does the program work?

The Juvenile Redeploy Program is grounded in the principles of Balanced and Restorative Justice. Restorative justice seeks to be perpetually conscious, responsive and active in including survivors, communities and youth in decisions made within the justice system so that harm can be identified and repaired as much as possible, healing can occur for all parties, and that survivors and youth can be positively supported and incorporated into their community.


Juvenile Redeploy participants include youth ages 13-17 on probation with Macon County Court Services, who have been identified as high risk and referred to the program by the Juvenile Court Judge. Referred individuals must have a DSM-V diagnosis indicating mental illness and/or meet diagnostic criteria for Level I outpatient care.


How do I access these services?

To learn more about Juvenile Re-Deploy or to inquire about other services at Heritage Behavioral Health Center, reach out to us at 217-362-6262. Juvenile ReDeploy services are available 8AM-5PM, Monday through Friday.

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