Heritage Services
Community Services & Programs
Here at Heritage Behavioral Health Center, we strive to address the mental health, substance use, and primary care needs of our community. Sometimes, to effectively meet these needs we provide other community service programs that accomplish these goals in a less direct way. These programs are our Community Support Services. Through these programs, we increase access to housing, access to fulfilling work, access to post-incarceration support, and guidance in meeting a variety of other needs for the individuals we serve. These needs usually include those near the bottom of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
If we can be a force in helping individuals meet the basic human needs like health, shelter, and employment, we can empower them to achieve the higher level human needs such as friendships, self-confidence, and inner-meaning. See below to learn more about a few of our Community Support Services programs.
To learn more about our Community Support Services please reach out to us at: 217-362-6262.