Heritage Services
Heritage Gambling Treatment
Our Problem Gambling program assists individuals with problematic gambling behaviors to improve their quality of life through developing healthy skills that promote financial stability. The program aims to meet the individual treatment needs of those who live with problematic gambling concerns so that they are able to lead successful and meaningful lives in the community.
Do you have gambling-related problems? Take the screen by answering these three questions.
Heritage invites all individuals to participate in screening for recognizing gambling-related problems using a short, 3-item screener.
During the past 12 months, have you become restless, irritable or anxious when trying to stop/cut down on gambling? (Yes or No)
During the past 12 months, have you tried to keep your family or friends from knowing how much you gambled? (Yes or No)
During the past 12 months, did you have such financial trouble as a result of your gambling that you had to get help with living expenses from family, friends or welfare? (Yes or No)
If you answered “yes” to any of these three questions, then call us at 217-362-6262 to schedule assessment.
What treatment is available for problem gambling?
Our primary treatment used for problematic gambling disorders is individual therapy/counseling. Groups counseling is also vital in the recovery process. Learning about problem gambling, its causes, the physiology/biological basis of it, and the development of skill sets that will help the individual to become addiction-free are the goals of the groups. Group counseling also helps individuals-served learn to cope with the emotional aspects of recovery.
How do I access these services?
To learn more about the Problem Gambling program or to inquire about other services at Heritage Behavioral Health Center, reach out to us at 217-362-6262. Problem Gambling services are available 8AM-5PM, Monday through Friday by appointment.
Additional Information
Heritage offers assessment and treatment for individuals seeking help with problem gambling. Labels such as problem gambling are often used to describe individuals who are experiencing some adverse consequences as a result of their gambling but do not quite meet the criteria for a diagnosis of pathological gambling.
Gambling Disorder is indicated by FOUR (or more) of the following:
Preoccupied with gambling
Unable to cut back or control
Irritable or restless when attempting to cut down or stop gambling
Risks more money to reach desired level of excitement
Gambles to escape problems or depressed mood
Chases losses
Lies to family and others about gambling
Risks or loses relationships or job because of gambling
Relies on others for financial needs caused by gambling
Current research estimates that the prevalence of disordered gambling is between 1-2% of the population in the US and Canada.
Other Sources of Help
Problem Gambling Hotline: 1-800-522-4700
Text: 1-800-522-4700
Chat: www.ncpgambling.org/chat
Gamblers Anonymous: http://www.gamblersanonymous.org/
State Resources Available:
Illinois Council on Problem Gambling
Hotline: 1-800-GAMBLER
Text: “ILGAMB” to 53342