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Heritage Services

Heritage Project BRAVE  

Project B.R.A.V.E. (Be Resilient And Vocalize Emotions) is our program engaging with youth and families in the Mt. Zion community to support child and adolescent mental health. This program includes our mental health professionals based in the Mt. Zion school system actively providing our mental health expertise to students who need it. Project BRAVE also holds monthly events called Brave Connections to support caregivers of youth in the Mt. Zion area. If you are a caregiver of youth in any way, check out our Calendar of Events to see when the next Brave Connections takes place.


Treatment can look different depending on what the individual needs of the person served are. For some, that treatment can be talk therapy where the individual sits with the counselor and talks about their struggles while learning how to manage them. For others it may be group therapy where a group of individuals come together to work on coping skills.


How do I access Project BRAVE?

To learn more about Project BRAVE or to inquire about other services at Heritage Behavioral Health Center, reach out to us at 217-362-6262. Access to services through Project BRAVE is very quick and can be done one of a few ways. The most direct method to access services is by working in conjunction with the school to have the school put in a request. However, parents and caregivers can also contact Heritage directly and schedule an appointment for an initial assessment. Services are generally provided at the school during school hours, but the counselor also has appointment times after school and can be individually scheduled.

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